Two months old!
Sage is 2 months old and we can't believe how fast he is growing. At his 2 month pediatrician appointment we learned that he is 25 inches long which puts him in the 99th% for height. Daddy, he may be looking you in the eye one day! It has been fun watching Sage become more interactive and expressive these past few weeks. He has been smiling more and showing an interest in playing close to his big sister. Sage received a cute turtle mirror for tummy time. It is his favorite possession so far. He smiles when he sees himself in the mirror and seems interested in the crinkly noise and dangling, colorful parts of it. Other than sleeping, eating, snuggling and hanging out Sage does a great job hiccupping and looking cute on camera. See the evidence below! And I must mention that Amara adores her brother and has been incredibly sweet, thoughtful and affectionate toward him. She sometimes offers suggestions, "Maybe he needs his pacy (pacifier)". She also runs to get Mom a blanke...