
Showing posts from July, 2017

Sage is 3 months old

Wow, another great month has flown by. Our family has been spending more time outdoors enjoying our newly landscaped backyard. We have butterfly and bee friendly plants which are in bloom right now-- purple, red, white and yellow flowers. Sage and Amara enjoy spending time in the yard. Tonight Sage started laughing while watching Amara and Mom kick a big pink ball across the yard. Laughing is a new and exciting development! Daddy has been able to get Sage to laugh while making facing and tickling him. He has the cutest laugh! Amara has been a very nice big sister to Sage. She lets us know if she hears him wake up from nap and she reminds Mommy to "check on him". It is sweet and caring. She also likes to lie next to Sage on his play mat while he plays with his dangling toys. The sibling relationship is really special. Daddy has been working hard while Mom is still on maternity leave. Sage and Mom takes walks in the neighborhood when Dad is at work and Amara is at preschool. ...