
Showing posts from August, 2017

Sage is 4 months old

Our little guy continues to grow SO fast. We can't believe the changes week to week. At Sage's 4 month doctor appointment he measured 28 inches long which put him in the 100th percentile for height! Most importantly, however, Sage and Amara seem happy and healthy and are building a sweet sibling relationship. Sage is becoming more playful, strong and able to do fun baby things. He can now roll from front to back and continues to roll from back to front (which he first did in his second month!). He has recently started grabbing and holding his feet ("happy baby pose" in yoga) which is just adorable. He smiles a lot (i.e. when greeting his family members), laughs when tickled or when watching Amara act silly, and he coos/makes cute sounds. I love to repeat them back despite how silly I sound! Our family went to the beach for the first time together. Sage's feet have officially been in the sand. We also have been enjoying play dates...