
Showing posts from September, 2018

July and August 2018

Summer fun and more growing and changing! Amara has been enjoying her "puddle jumpers" (floaties) and swimming in the Y pool this summer. She has also splashed around with delight in the San Diego Bay. Amara is 4.5 and she just amazes us with her creativity and articulate speech. She used the phrase "I lost interest" referring to doing something she was into and now less excited about. That impressed Mom this morning. She also plays very nicely with Sage which absolutely makes his day. She does peek a boo, tickles and finds toys to keep occupied. Like any sibling there are times when she needs space but it is fun watching the two bond and hang out together. Let's talk about Sage for a moment. It seems as though as soon as he learned to walk most of his remaining baby teeth came in. This must not have been comfortable but he dealt with it well. He still mostly eats soft foods but has mastered crunching a good cracker or tortilla chip. One fun treat is eating yo...