
Showing posts from January, 2018

Sage is 8 months -- Amara is 4!

There is so much to report from the month of December-- Sage's 8th month and Amara's 4th birthday month. Sage went from a rolling over baby to a crawling baby who can pull himself up to his knees. He is thrilled with these new developments as he can get around faster. And he does! He loves crawling to Amara's chairs and pulling on them as well as crawling into her room to discover her toys. She has been a good sport about it and is very kind and affectionate toward her baby brother. Let's talk about Amara's 4th birthday. December 19th fell on a Tuesday and we plan to have a birthday party in the new year (after holiday busy-ness settles down). On the 19th we had cake with Grandpa Patty and Grandpa Hamid and Daddy. Amara decorated it herself. And she opened a few gifts. A few days later we took her to Corvette diner for dinner. That place is all about fun for kids. The wait staff dresses up in crazy attire and wears wigs; they will make you a hairdo out of straws. T...