Fall 2018

I am reviewing my last blog post and cannot believe (once again) how much the kids have grown in the past few months. Amara will be 5 in less than a month and Sage is 20 months. We have had many fun moments and life has been busy and simple at the same time.
Thanksgiving Day conversation:
Patty Ann: Who is your favorite princess?
Amara (wearing a fancy princess dress): I am not really into princesses; I like kings and queens.
Patty Ann: Ok, you are a queen, Amara
Amara loves her preschool and talks a lot about her friends there. One neat thing they discuss at preschool is how to fill each others "buckets". If you say or do something nice it adds a drop of water to the person's bucket. And of course, the opposite could be true. I once heard her say "Don't be a bucket dipper". Amara is a wonderful problem solver and is always thinking of a solution to a problem or a work around. Mom and Dad end up changing our answer from no to yes sometimes when she presents a great idea. Amara is really into Pokémon (movie and also the manga books) and she brought her Pikachou to school today for "sharing". Pikachou is carefully taped up with scotch tape because he received some injuries and had to be taken care of by a "doctor". Several other animals are taped up. Playing is fun and Amara has a great imagination.

Sage. This guy is getting very good at climbing and as always, is very curious. He notices the littlest details. For example after Halloween the small spiderweb decal was removed from the window on the door of the kids' club. Sage kept pointing it out and saying "uh oh" "where go?". He did the same today when looking out the window and noticing that Mom had taken down the wind chime. Sage loves playing with trains and moving them on the wooden track. He also loves playing with little cars and pushing buttons on anything! When he is thirsty and goes and finds a cup in a cupboard and tries to fill his cup at the fridge. He can't quite reach though. He loves to use the step stool in the bathroom and brush his own teeth. The only issue is that he wants the water to be running constantly so he can wash of his brush. This is true for the bath tub as well. He looooves to fill up cups and pails and pour water into and out of things. Life is so fun and exciting for Sage. He likes to watch toddler videos/shows and will frequently ask for "show-ah" or grab Mom or Grandma's purse and go looking for a phone.
Please see below for photos from our visit to see Don and family in Virginia, Sage's first haircut, Halloween 2018 and Amara's preschool photo (last one since next year is Kindergarten)!!




He loves to flush!!



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